sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤!

My “Oldfashion” camera was build by me.
It was an old project on my mind, but I hadn’t the courage to start it until I saw this piece of equipment on shop window. I got it and I build everything around it. It have some parts I had at home, some others came from some store, others were adapted by me and two or three were created from the zero.
It works fine and does its mission!
But yesterday, around 4.30 am, just before leaving to work and, after it, going to the park, I did a last check up. After all, it has been stored for 5 months and, even after some minor fixings I did the day before, it may had something wrong. It had!
F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤
Its internal system depends on two power sources, made of batteries. One made of 4 AA rechargeable batteries and the other a dedicated one, also rechargeable. And this one died! I did, and I’m still doing, the best I can to get it back to life, but I suppose it will be a useless effort.
F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤!
Now, you try to get a new dedicated battery, more than 3 years old, represented in Portugal by a company that’s about to close, and on an Easter Friday!
F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤!
Now, have a tour on the web and try to get it that way. And you’ll find out that its original brand does not produce it any more. Only some on-line stores have it and quite expensive.
F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤!
So, using a great amount of optimism, I’ll be back in business in about a week; realistic, it may take some two weeks; and if any of the Murphy’s laws do applies, it may take some three to four weeks before I’ll be able to go back to Jardim da Estrela and get rid of this itch I have in my forefinger.
There’s just two things I can say about this:
The first one is F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤ this consumption society we live in, where every thing is done having a limited time life, so that everybody is forced to get new things all the time. Even more, those new things produced have small, if any, compatibility with the old ones, so if a part dies, the all set has to be replaced, even if everything else is working and in good shape. Buy new! Buy new! Buy new! That’s the main words of today!
The second thing I can say about this is F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤ and F#%£@ & §?/+∏∫Ω®₤!
Texto e imagem: by me

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