sábado, 20 de março de 2010


When I first came to Barcelona, back in 92, to broadcast the Olympic Games, I was told that the city did change. And, from what I cold see, I liked.
One of their drastic changes was the expulsion of the gipsies, the prohibition of the prostitution and beggars imprison.
This may seams rather violent, but the truth is that Barcelona looked real clean and safe, also because we cold see police every where and, at some corners, armed cars.
When I came back two years later, Barcelona was no longer an Olympic City, and recovered its traditions and natural ways of living. That includes beggars, hookers and thiefs.
We could see them a little bit all over the city, but mainly around tourists, trying to get some money, either by begging, either by stealing their belongings. And I knew, personally, how their work! Or hookers around bars, nightclubs, cheap hotels and, as it happen in most towns, around the main market. I wonder why that is a special location for prostitution,
As for the gypsies, I guess they are on the countryside, since I never seen much of them.
Now Barcelona is changing again!
Burglars are still there, but police action is more intense, coming from no when in no time when called, with visible patrols everywhere. But I must say that I didn’t see any of the usual, some known to me, crooks, cheaters and pickpockets.
As well as the beggars. They are few and different. They are no longer looking miserable and dirty, sited where there people move, some with lots of dogs, showing their hand and hopping for charity. Nor the direct approach, with some strange story, to those looking like some compassion in their hearts. Now they are younger, cleaner and foreigners. From East Europe and North Africa, most of them. This is one few remainders of the old stile of begging.
I guess times are changing and poverty too.

Texto e imagem: by me

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